Bandeau de titre - Opéra-Conseil

Data governance / Master Data

Beyond the new regulatory obligations of GDPR, companies are facing new challenges:

increasing data volumes, high storage costs, cyber security, IS mergers, greater human involvement.

Data Governance is a set of principles and practices designed to ensure the high quality of data throughout its entire lifecycle.

#Mapping #Ecatalog #MasterDataManagement #MDM #DataQualityManagement #DQM  #Databaker #DataOwner #DataSteward

Nouvelle culture où chaque organisation est tenue de s’approprier et de développer la gouvernance data pour réussir la transformation digitale. Nos projets débutent en fonction de votre maturité.

Niveau de maturité - Gouvernance des données - Opéra-Conseil

Agile data governance is a democratized bottom-up approach to data, fueled by technological maturity and growing concerns and challenges around data quality, data privacy and data regulation.

It's governance that unlocks the value of data for end users, enabling them to solve business problems, leverage self-service analytics and do their jobs better and more efficiently.

Use case d'Opéra-Conseil

From mapping to production data analysis (quality, safety, integrity...), Opéra can help you integrate high value-added tools.

Change management is one of the main challenges facing data governance today. Indeed, digital transformation implies the internal development of trust in one's ecosystem, and change management is the key!

The Trust is the cornerstone of change within an organization. The latter must be topped by effective data governance to understand what exists, and reinforced by three important elements:

Recruter une équipe d’expertReinforce communication and commitments with Top ManagementImplement automated control processes
Identify security & privacy managersLinking safety to businessImproving cyber resilience
Sensibiliser & Former au regard de l’existantImprove data management processes (inventory & classification)Développer l’innovation interne

Our services in 4 phases:

  • Phase 1: Discovering the organization's ecosystem
  • Phase 2: Presentation of risks and uses
  • Phase 3: Developing a Trust & Risks culture
  • Phase 4: Setting up Trust governance